How To: Wake Up Early


For as long as I can remember, I’ve been a morning person. It’s my very favorite time of day and always has been. I also happen to be one of those people who can’t workout in the evening with an ounce of food in my stomach without feeling like I’m going to barf, so its a well made match. Waking up at 4 AM allows me to get a workout in and have plenty of time to get ready before my day starts without ever feeling rushed. I also found that if I planned to workout later in the day/evening, I was more likely to skip that workout. At the end of the day I’m tired and hungry- neither of those are motivating factors to get me to the gym.

The most frequent question I’m asked in regards to waking up at 4 is , “what time do you go to bed?” The first key is to start a strict sleep schedule and stick to it. I could write a whole blog on the benefits of sleep schedule adherence but I’ll save that for another time! In this instance, the sleep schedule will ensure you get that good 7-8 hour slumber. This is key for your energy the next day! My go-to bedtime is 9 and 30 minutes to 9:30 is about as far as I’ll flex out of that. Sometimes we’re asleep by 8:30, and that’s ok too, but I try to keep the 30 minute flex strict both ways. I know this seems early, and for many it is, but if you want to consistently wake up at 4 and be a fully functioning adult throughout the day, get your booty to bed by 9!

When it comes to setting alarms, you have to be strict with that too. Snoozing your alarm not only rushes your morning should you still get up, but I’ve found that I’m more likely to not get up at all if I snooze. You don’t need one of those fancy alarm clocks that makes you chase it around the room. Just put your phone under the bed or across the room - somewhere you have to get up to get it. Getting out of bed really is the hardest part!

I read a study once that said it takes a person 66 days to form a habit. WOOF. 2 months is along time- but again this is about the long haul. Commit to this as a lifestyle change. Go 66 days, excluding weekends, with a full commitment to this. No one just starts waking up at 4 AM overnight and feels great all the time. However, I would be hard pressed to be convinced that it doesn’t feel routine for you after the 2 months! It’s going to be rough when you start, theres no doubt about it- but if it matters to you, enough, you’ll do it. Which leads me to my next and final point…..

HOW PERSONAL IS THIS TO YOU? Not going to lie, I totally got that quote from a tiktok haha. As corny as the source is, it’s one of the best motivating lines I’ve ever heard. I’ve been waking up at 4 for years and 50% of the time I want nothing more than to climb back in my warm bed- but my health, my commitment to myself and my commitment to my routine is more important to me than an extra hour of sleep. I want to set myself up to have the best, most productive, full day that I can… and that starts with a 4 AM wakeup call.

Bonus- I’m a big advocate for Melatonin. Its doesn’t have sedating effects so it won’t interfere with your ability to get up. If you have trouble shutting your mind off at night, I couldn’t recommend this more! It’s no magic pill, but it might help you fall asleep at your new strict bedtime of 9 PM ;)